Home New Blog Site Launch

New Blog Site Launch

It’s summer and we have been working around the clock delivering amazing code for our clients at Hoefling Software. We have been excited to deliver many amazing projects including a new blogging platform. As our business has grown it is important to show that our technical blog SkyeTheDev is also growing.

We have transitioned from using Jekyll and GitHub Pages to a new custom blogging platform that we built using DNN and 2sxc. We are very happy with the power this new platform provides us and the ease of writing more content for our audenience to enjoy. The original blog is still available and all of the content has been ported over.

One of the major benefits we are bringing you the audeniece in our new platform is better data accessibility, our posts and articles will be easier to read and the code formatting will be a lot cleaner. We run a Software company so our technical articles should look good.

How we did it

Migrating this blog to a new platform has not been an easy process for us.

  • URL Redirects for every post
  • Updated new theme
  • Custom Blogging Platform
  • New Database
  • Migrating Disgus comments

These are common things that should not be difficult and I think it will be great topics to dive into and explain how we solved the problems we ran into.

Until next time - keep coding!

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