Home Xamarin Saturday 2019 Recap

Xamarin Saturday 2019 Recap

Xamarin Saturday 2019 was held at BSI Labs in Toronto, Ontario, Canada this year on August 24th. The community organized event by the Toronto .NET Mobile Developers User Group. A full day of presentations from Xamarin Community leaders from around the world descending on Toronto.

Maybe not all over the world, but there were speakers from Canada, USA and even France.

Xamarin Saturday was 100% free and Community Driven


Xamarin Saturday wasn’t all about Xamarin developers that use the technology day-in and day-out. An all day hands-on workshop was offered for people that were brand-new to Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms. This was a start to finish, let’s build an app and help you get the code working. By providing a beginner workshop Xamarin Saturday did a great job at making sure everyone attending would learn something.

The workshop was ran by Dylan Berry and Daniel Causer of BSI Labs.

Daniel Causer live coding for the workshop


Dylan Berry instructing the xamarin beginners


Congrats to New Xamariners!

At the end of the day Dylan announced how good the Xamarin Beginners did in the workshop. Getting through the entire app from start to finish in a morning session and an afternoon session. One of the hardest things in Xamarin.Forms has traditionally been getting started, now these developers have a sample app to take back to their teams and show them that they too can build a Xamarin App.


The main track of Xamarin Saturday was a series of 60 minute breakout sessions throughout the day which took place in the main training room. Every session was packed with attendees and only standing room left!


There was so much great content delievered by community leaders, former MVPs and even the Xamarin Team with one Microsoft employee presenting.

A .NET UI Experiment

David Ortinau


Writing cross-platform Libraries for Xamarin.Forms

Allan Ritchie


Xamarin Shell Customization

Skye Hoefling


Introduction to LibVLCSharp by VideoLan

Martin Finkel


The Xamarin Galaxy

David Ortinau


Azure Functions, AI & Xamarin

Mark Arteaga


Xamarin.Forms + ReactiveUI = ♥︎

Andres Pineda


All The Speakers


Back Row: Skye Hoefling, David Ortinau, Allan Ritchie, Andres Pineda, Dylan Berry

Front Row: Martin Finkel, Daniel Causer, Mark Arteaga

Big Thanks!

A big thanks to the BSI Labs team and everyone involved. Andrew Park and Emily Stanek did so much work behind the scenes. They both traded off monitoring the Live Stream feed and making sure the Speakers knew what was going on.

If you liked the logo, go and give Emily a big shout-out because it is her design!


Want More?

Xamarin Saturday was a special all day event held by the Toronto .NET Mobile Developers User Group. They meet regularly on the 3rd Tuesday of the Month at BSI Labs in Toronto. Go checkout their website and meetup page!

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