Skye Hoefling

Uno Platform: Getting Started Series

The Uno Platform getting started series is a blog series I started writing in April 2020 during the COVID 19 pandemic. This blog series provides getting started guides to help you get up and runnin...

Saving Metadata in Azure Blob Storage

Azure Blob Storage provides a powerful file storage API for saving files of any size that can then integrate with you application. A common request is being able to store simple metadata with the f...

Uploading Files to Azure Blob Storage with Shared Access Signature (SAS)

Shared Access Signature (SAS) provides a secure way to upload and download files from Azure Blob Storage without sharing the connection string. A real world example would be to retrieve a Shared Ac...

DNN Persona Bar Component Using Uno Platform

In DNN the Persona Bar is the admin control bar for managing sites. The Persona Bar is highly customizable from the top-level admin controls to the individual admin modules. The nice thing about de...

Uploading Large Files to Azure Blob Storage in C#

Azure Blob Storage is a great tool for storing any type of file for easy access in your app. The APIs allow you to easily upload and download files of any type which integrates with many popular la...

Why You Should Not Use async void With Inheritance

C# developers experienced with WPF, UWP, Xamarin.Forms, Uno Platform and anything that involes the ICommand interface are familiar with async void. A quick trick to call Task based asynchronous met...

Xamarin.Forms Fancy Flyout Menu

June 2020 is Xamarin Month Code Snippets Edition, put together by Luis Matos which features a new Xamarin Blog post every day. Be sure to look at the overview blog which contains all the posts fo...

Xamarin.Forms: Native API Acces with Dependency Injection

Dependency Injection is a great technique to leveraging native code in the context of your shared code. In Xamarin.Forms you typically create a custom renderer which gives you native access. If you...

Book Review: Mastering Xamarin.Forms Third Edition

Mastering Xamarin.Forms the Third Edition is a great book for both seasoned Xamarin developers and beginners just starting a Xamarin.Forms project. It is a great resource for many techniques need...

Xamarin Android Barcode Scanning with Zebra’s EMDK on TC70x

The Zebra TC70x is a mobile touch computer or android device with built-in hardware barcode scanning. This allows developers to create rich barcode scanning capable apps without using the camera. I...