Skye Hoefling

CloudFlare for DNN

I was helping a friend deploy a new DNN website and recommended that we enforce HTTPS even though for the small website he really didn’t need it. With the ease of tools such as CloudFlare it is rea...

Push Notifications with App Center

Recently I was working on a Xamarin.Forms app that required push notifications for both iOS and Android. I started implementing Azure Notification Hub and was recommended by my friend James Montema...

Xamarin Live Player Kindle Fire Workaround

Let’s talk about using your Kindle Fire as a development device for Xamarin. It is running Android OS so you should be able to develop and test your apps on it just like any other android device. I...

How to Setup Swagger in Web API ASP.NET with Swashbuckle

When I first tried using Swagger with Web API I spent a little time looking through the configuration files and it seemed a little confusing to me. I did a little research and I came across Swashbu...

DNN Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment with VSTS and Azure - Clean Install

DNN (DotNetNuke) is a Dot Net based Content Management System (CMS). Building DNN Modules allows you to easily extend the functionality of the DNN Website with complex apps that you can bolt on to ...

web.config Connection String Transforms in VSTS (Visaul Studio Team Services)

The Release build in VSTS is a powerful tool and once customized correctly can eliminate the need for simple transform files being included in source control. After reading this article you should ...

Creating a Custom Build Task in VSTS (Visual Studio Team Services)

Automating builds with VSTS saves the teams countless hours of debugging when someone gives the code the “works on my machine” seal of approval. The tests may not run, there will be stale code betw...

Intro to Azure Mobile App Services

The single biggest problem I have seen while developing any type of mobile app is how do we handle offline sync? On most projects I have worked on this has been punted as a problem that isn’t worth...

Entity Framework Mocking DbSet for Sync and Async Queries in Moq

When building a test framework it is sometimes useful to be able to write test code against DbSet<T> objects. Since DbSet<T> implements IDbSet<T> it is relatively easy to wire up ...

Dotnet Core Web API with Identity Token Authentication

When you set out to create a new web application in ASP.NET you have 2 major choices: MVC Web API Today we are going to take a look at creating necessary APIs for user authentication. A...